The exfoliants at Bare Bella
GLYCOLIC SCRUB 14% This exfoliants means business, it’s a scrub that can be used on the face and body. You don’t need a lot to get [...]
GLYCOLIC SCRUB 14% This exfoliants means business, it’s a scrub that can be used on the face and body. You don’t need a lot to get [...]
I’m always banging on at clients to get their levels checked, zinc comes up a lot. Zinc (Internally and externally) is highly effective in the treatment [...]
The Invisible Ecosystem (Or Army) Living Within Your Skin Truth be told, the surface of your skin is playing host to trillions of ‘bugs’ for lack [...]
Do you know why Cleopatra would bath in milk? Clue: see pic. The milk she used was not cows ? milk though, (mine neither). Do you [...]
This filter pic below is a great example ? This customer cleanses so well and uses a facewasher which I love because not only is the [...]
Free Radicals Bad little free radicals need to be kicked out by antioxidants which we take internally and topically too! Don’t forget skin is the last [...]
Ever wondered why Cleopatra soaked herself in milk baths!? Milk = Lactic Acid = Alpha Hydroxy Acid What do Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) do? AHAs are [...]
1. Cucumbers At 95 percent water content, a cup of cucumber slices is nearly as thirst-quenching as a glass of water. Cucumbers also provide a little [...]
Would the men in your lives be keen to do a pamper sesh mens facial? Once you can get them on the bed they absolutely love [...]
Do you suffer from oily skin but find it’s dry in parts? Maybe you have oily skin but you are dehydrated. Dehydration is a lack of [...]