Removing dead skin is dead easy, but why do we still find we’re behind the 8 ball on this. Why?
Because skin is constantly being produced daily and so it’s constantly dying every day! We need to get a head of the skin ☝️?
Before you go running for your fav facial scrub maybe try these:
?Cleanse 2x30seconds in the PM cleanse ALL over face (up to hairline/eyebrows/ears/nose crevices), and if you happen to forget do it in the AM.
? Use an exfoliant with zero grit. Don’t chuck you’re scrub but it’s good to know that there is some trauma with a gritty exfoliant. An exfoliant with out “grit” is really great as you can pop on it will chomp up the skin like gentle Pac-Man, equally and evenly exfoliating wherever you put it like into the eyebrows, hairlines, ears.
In time you will find you don’t have to scrub as often.
Reduce ingrowns (and less stimulation of hair will occur
So start your 30 second counting tonight! ? That’s cleanse, face washer, cleanse, facewasher.