Electrolysis aftercare
The best makeup to use post electrolysisis a powder mineral. I recommend INIKA. A lot of minerals still have filler and INIKA has only 4 ingredients! [...]
The best makeup to use post electrolysisis a powder mineral. I recommend INIKA. A lot of minerals still have filler and INIKA has only 4 ingredients! [...]
The Green Tea Extract found in our makeup comes from the leaves of the Camellia Sinesis plant. Widely known for its benefits when consumed, this tea [...]
Jojoba Oil (pronounced ha-ho-ba) is not only gold in colour, but gold standard in skincare. Used in both its purest form or infused within other products, [...]
Contouring and highlighting is a makeup technique that allows you to sculpt your face shape by giving the illusion of light and shade. But seeing as [...]
The beauty world loves a buzzword, and “vegan” is one that’s popping up on more and more makeup products. But what is vegan makeup, exactly? There’s [...]