LED targets at a cellular level, penetrating and delivering light. LED reduces inflammation and enhances wound repair, strengthening of collagen, eradicating the bacteria that causes inflammation during breakouts. So especially great for fighting rosacea and acne or when skin needs faster healing process  (peels, skin needling IPL Rejuv etc). It is a non invasive, zero pain treatment. It is ideal to do as a course of treatments and/or combining with other treatments.

Bare Bella in particular has the Xen LED which  has a higher packing density than earlier technologies. There is higher efficiency results in optimised performance in an LED treatment as it is the best on the market right now.

With 3,500 LEDs per colour on the Xen LED array, treatment and times are dramatically reduced due to faster energy delivery and therefore faster results.


See this blog on Xen LED and how it differs